In 2013, MODIKO®´s passive house project was considered as a candidate for QREN, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund via the Centre Region Operational Programme, within the scope of the Research and Technological Development Incentive – Individual Enterprise R&TD Projects.
The amount invested was around 300,000 euros.
The project has been under development since November 2013, and enjoys the support of the University of Aveiro. This partnership is of vital importance given the nature of innovation and development which has driven the project.
The aim of the “MODIKO® Passive House” is to achieve an energy performance in accordance with the most demanding standard known in relation to this specific domain, this being a pioneering project at global level, as light steel modular houses built in accordance with this standard do not exist.
It should be pointed out that the energy consumption demanded by the Passivhaus Standard is around 80% less that of housing subject to the RCCTE requirements currently in force in Portugal.
Values measured in real terms will be obtained at the end of the project, taking advantage of an experimental facility which will be monitored subsequent to construction and during its day-to-day occupation by a family over a 5-year period.